About us

The Town Ambassador Award is a project created by the Discoverplaces portal and its founder Claudia Bettiol, to respond to the need of 3rd and 4th generation od Italian descendants to reconnect with their distant roots.

A need that is very much alive in our communities that still celebrate this bond with Emigrant Festivals. But today, due to cultural and linguistic differences, traditional festivals fail to meet the real need that unites Italians with their descendants: that of forming a new community. The need to create a real connection and build new cultural bridge that can bring these descendants back to their town of origin, making them rediscover the culture of their ancestors and the emotions of the real Italian Lifestyle.

Premio Town Ambassador


The Town Ambassador Award is not just a recognition, it is an opportunity for new collaborations between countries and a way to internationalize small food and wine companies in a town.

The Town Ambassador Award is given by the mayor and the Italian community as an act of love towards those who have maintained and cultivated their ties with their village of origin. Building a new bridges can bring lifeblood to a new way of collaborating, each following his own attitudes but always in an atmosphere of love.

Italians abroad and Italian descendants are people with a double culture that makes them special people, it's up to us in Italy to learn to communicate with them to grow together and to make our beloved little villages grow.

We at Town Ambassadors simply play the role of cultural mediators and help local communities recover a right relationship with their brothers abroad.



The committee that selects the applications is made up of some prestigious members recognized for their work as intercultural mediators by the international communities and local administrations involved.


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